Hello again!

I'm back

didja miss me?

Of course you didn't, anyway after I quit my shitty ass full time job, I decided to go ahead and work on this some more since I don't have very many better things to do

July 27th, 2022 

-Greatly increased enemy exp

 -Greatly reduced bleeding damage 

-OS Upgrade is now acquired at level 13 

-Tophat Dash is now acquired at level 4 

-Bill of life is now acquired at level 5

 -Sour ass spill is now acquired at level 6 

-Shocking good style is now acquired at level 9 

-Shocking good style paralysis chance increased

 -Shocking good style now hits 4 times 

-Sour ass spill now hits 4 times

 -Tophat Toss damage reduced

 -Tophat Toss now deals more damage to targets currently asleep

 -Ram now deals more damage to targets currently paralyzed

 -OS Upgrade AGR cost reduced by 20

 -Tophat Dash AGR cost reduced by 25 

-Tophat Dash Cooldown reduced 

-Shocking good style now deals extra damage to targets currently spooked 

-The Mute button now deals more damage to targets currently blinded

 -Increased mute button EP Cost

 -satisfaction increased by 15% 

-updated localization files

 September 1st 2022 

-Greatly buffed Seth's passive state 

-added a passive state to make dying in the first segment of the game much harder 

-Charles now has a much lower chance to be affected by status effects

 -Tophat Toss will now refund EP if it kills an enemy 

-Delerious state now increases attack by 50% 

-PSL now gains 6% EP each turn

 -Updated the localization files

Septermber 13th, 2022 

-repurposed bill of life to be a full group lp regen move 

-repurposed system reset to be a revival skill and set the level requirement to 4 

-corrected some display errors that Generous donation applies to all gang members (it doesn't) 

-added lp cost and updated description as well

 -repurposed single barrel cannon to be a buffing skill

 -added networking, used to refill EP 

-increased PSL2001's hitrate by 25% 

-increased PSL2001's crit rate by 5% 

-decreased all bosses attack power by 15% for testing purposes

 -added missing animation for tophat dash

 -changed some music

 -greatly reduces PSL's max ep

 -removed game of chance, served literally no purpose whatsoever 

-changed Tophat Frenzy to be acquired at level 17 instead of level 25

 -had player get the CCC right away instead of opening a chest, to be sure they don't miss it 

-decreased defense buff and attack debuff for the bleeding status effect -added missing animations for consumables 


-increased cost of PSL2001's skills

-Updated the localization files

-added tournament medals

-removed tournament medals

The main game is mostly complete as of right now, I just need to polish it up and add some more visuals, overall the game is still terribly janky but I made everything a lot more tolerable, I may add more later on upon realization that the full game is not quite that long, but who knows


AH1OT Full game beta.zip 544 MB
Sep 13, 2022

Get After Hours The RPG: Overtime

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