Post Beta Devlog

-Added rage abilities, they are unlocked at level 25 (except for Charles since he has 2) 

-added EP regen to "Lucky you!" To make it worth using 

-renamed "Lucky you!" To "Tophat of fate" 

-added enemy health bars

 -added Corporal and King Pig

 -increased "Optimization" buff duration to 4 turns instead of 2

 -Foreman Pig can no longer afford health care 

-added the final boss (Not in the game yet)

 -Viral injection no longer crashes the game 

-increased effectiveness of consumables 

-Decreased profanity 

-increased sanity by 12%

-poison and bleeding are now much stronger, therefore more useful in combat 

-added descriptions to most of the skills and items that needed it

 -Viral Injection now deals more damage to targets that were already poisoned 

-weapons have been slightly tweaked 

-motivation increased by 20%


AH1OT beta fix 508 MB
Jul 11, 2022

Get After Hours The RPG: Overtime

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